BarkBox - January 2014

This is a monthly subscription box from BarkBox for small dogs.  The price varies depending on how long of a membership you chose.  It varies from $19-29 a month and if you use my link, you'll get $5 off your dog's first box.  Included in the January box were the following products:
  1. Barkworthies - Bully Stick
  2. Harry Barker - Tug n' Toss Toy
  3. Loving Pets - Barksters Sweet Potato & Beef Krisps
  4. Louisiana Alligator Jerky
  5. Wigzi - Bone Toy for hiding treats
Our dogs favorite thing in this month's box is the Bully Stick.  They love Bully Sticks so much so that they get a shipment of ten Bully Sticks every six weeks from Doggyloot.  They only play with soft furry squeak toys, so I'll be giving away the two toys included in this shipment to a local dog shelter.  Really not crazy about serving my dogs alligator and don't like some of the other ingredients.  Those ingredients are glycerin, smoke flavor, maple syrup, canola oil, salt, garlic, sorbic acid, citric acid and tocopherols.  Therefore, I will not be serving the Alligator Jerky to my dogs. Not to mention my dogs prefer crispy rather than soft cookies.  The ingredients in the Barksters look good, so I'll be giving them a taste now.  Ok taste test is over and all four of love them and are asking for more! I make them dehydrated slices of sweet potatoes and they love those. So I thought they would like these treats since the first ingredient is sweet potatoes. My dogs are served healthy, homemade dog cookies daily which are made by me weekly. So they are quite picky about their cookies. I have many dog cookie recipes on this blog, take a moment to check them out.  Since there are so few dog cookie recipes out there that are healthy, I had to come up with my own. Visit my Pinterest Dog Cookie Recipes Board to see them all at once. Click on the photo of the one that interests you the most and it will take you to the recipe. This was my dogs' least favorite BarkBox. What are your dog's favorite toys and treats?

Check out what they received in their previous BarkBoxes:

Discount Offers:  $5 off Doggyloot, click here.  $5 off BarkBox, click here.

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Have a PEACEful Day!

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